Our Gallery

Contact Info

Unit 10, Apollo Court
Radclive Road
MK18 4DF

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Useful Information

As identified on the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website, asbestos can be found in any buildings built before the year 2000. This can be in houses, factories, offices, schools’ hospitals etc and causes 5000 deaths every year.

To find out if you have the duty to manage asbestos, during your refurbishment project, you will need to check out the HSE website

Please call us to talk about this in more detail, if you have any questions 0333 3448 772


Did you know?

Clarification and identification of ‘Asbestos Containing Materials’ (ACM’s) should be completed prior to the construction phase of any project.

This is commonly know as an R&D Survey.

With many office refurbishment projects, building alterations are likely to take place and the minimum requirement to manage the risk of Asbestos, is to carry-out a Refurbishment & Demolition (R&D) Survey.

If there are any ACM’s identified during this survey, a plan should be put in place to manage the issues identified prior to any works commencing.

As the duty holder/landlord/building owner you should allow a sum within your budgets to complete an R&D survey prior to commencement of any fit out or refurbishment work’

HSE (Health & Safety Executive)

The HSE offer further advice on your responsibilities here and below is a checklist of what you need to do as a landlord/owner.

  • Find out if asbestos is present by doing an R&D survey – presume materials contain asbestos unless there is strong evidence that they do not.
  • Record the location, type, and condition of the asbestos.
  • Assess the risk of anyone being exposed to the asbestos.
  • Prepare a plan on how to manage these risks.
  • Put the plan into action, monitor it and keep it up to date.
  • Provide this information to anyone who might work on or disturb the asbestos.

Information correct as of July 2024


Ready to discuss your office space?

We’d love to discuss how we can help transform your office space.
Please call one of our team on 0333 3448 772 or click the button below.